The country’s democracy and the observance of the human rights have always been of great relevance for Costa Rica, a nation that has had an established and strong democracy since more than 100 years. Costa Rica got its independence in 1821 and in 1848 the country proclaimed itself a Republic.
The army was abolished in 1949; meanwhile the current Constitution was adopted, which established Costa Rica as a Democratic Republic with three independent branches of power: executive, legislative and judiciary.
The executive power is led by the President and two vice-presidents, who have the assistance of the Ministers of government in order to accomplish the administration goals. Mr. Rodrigo Chaves Robles is currently the President of the Republic (2022-2026).
The legislative branch is unicameral and is composed by 57 Congressmen. The President, the Vice-presidents and the Congressmen are elected every four years under a closed and blocked list system in secret and universal elections.
The judiciary branch is represented in the Justice Supreme Court (Corte Suprema de Justicia) by 22 judges that are elected by the Legislative Assembly for a period of 8 years. The Court is composed of 4 Chambers, each of which oversees different thematic areas.
Costa Rica is geopolitically divided in 7 provinces: San José, Alajuela, Heredia, Cartago, Puntarenas, Guanacaste y Limón; which, at the same time, are divided into 81 cantons.
Links of interest
Legislative Assembly:
Judiciary branch: